Air Space

Musée | Cambridge | Angleterre | Royaume Uni

L'AirSpace est l'une des principales expositions de l'Imperial War Museum Duxford dans le Cambridgeshire, en Angleterre. Dans ce hall impressionnant, les visiteurs peuvent admirer de près certains des avions les plus célèbres au monde, notamment l'Avro Lancaster, le Supermarine Spitfire, le Concorde et l'Avro Vulcan. L'exposition offre un aperçu approfondi de l'histoire de l'aviation et des développements technologiques qui ont façonné ces avions emblématiques.

Points forts de l'exposition :

Avro Lancaster Mk.X : Ce bombardier allié légendaire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale est célèbre pour son rôle lors du raid des Dambusters. Les visiteurs ont la possibilité d'explorer l'intérieur de cet avion historique et d'en apprendre davantage sur son importance pendant la guerre.

Avro Vulcan : En tant que V-Bomber le plus connu, le Vulcan était l'épine dorsale de la dissuasion nucléaire britannique pendant la Guerre froide. L'exposition permet d'entrer dans le cockpit de cet impressionnant avion et d'observer la technologie qui en a fait un symbole des forces aériennes.

Concorde : Cet avion de ligne supersonique représente une avancée majeure dans l'aviation. L'exposition offre un aperçu du développement et de l'exploitation du Concorde, permettant aux visiteurs de découvrir l'élégance et l'innovation de cet avion.

Handley Page Victor : Cet avion est le résultat de l'un des plus longs et plus grands projets de restauration du musée. Le Victor XH648 est le seul avion de ce type restant dans le monde et offre un aperçu unique de la technologie et de l'histoire de la Royal Air Force.

L'AirSpace offre non seulement la possibilité d'admirer ces avions historiques, mais également des expositions interactives qui mettent en lumière le développement de la technologie aéronautique et les histoires des personnes qui ont piloté et entretenu ces avions. L'exposition est conçue de manière à permettre aux visiteurs d'observer les avions sous différents angles pour comprendre pleinement leur conception et leur utilisation.

L'Imperial War Museum Duxford, y compris l'AirSpace, est un lieu de culture majeur pour les passionnés d'aviation et les amateurs d'histoire, offrant un aperçu approfondi de l'histoire de l'aviation et de son rôle dans les guerres mondiales.




CB22 4QR Cambridge

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Dimanche10:00 - 18:00
Lundi10:00 - 18:00
Mardi10:00 - 18:00
Mercredi10:00 - 18:00
Jeudi10:00 - 18:00
Vendredi10:00 - 18:00
Samedi10:00 - 18:00


81 Avis

Peter Rowlinson

We shared a boy's day out here after wanting to visit for years! Easily accessible via M11 or A505 and entrance into the site/shop was easy on a Tuesday. Site has good facilities for wheelchair whilst café, kitchen and restaurant are available spread over the site. Toilets again are very well placed in nearly every display area. Cabin walk throughs for the Concorde (early prototype with all the extra sensors, cameras, still visible. Comet walk through etc. Site is split into various categories of Airspace, flying aircraft (workshops) and historic collection, Battle of Britain, American Air museum and Land warfare whilst historic Duxford covers local history, Battle of Britain Ops block. More than plenty to see, transit coaches to cover the mile long site to save tired legs though you'd need several visits to see everything!
Siu Wa Tsang

Pavel Fiala

Parádní muzeum👌Měli jsme bohužel jen 3 hodiny na prohlídku.Strávil bych tam celý den.Doporučuji
Andrew D

We visited specifically to do the 'Avro evolution' talk and tour. Our host was John. Very very knowledgeable and a fantastic host. The tour includes climbing into the Lancaster fuselage (but alas you cannot get close to the cockpit) and a visit to ta Vulcan cockpit. Both really good experiences, but brought to life by John who points out little nuances that you might not immediately notice. Not cheap, but massively recommended.
Paul Onderwater

We were at Duxford to complete an experience at the Aerial Collective and included was an admission to the IWM here. We only had time to visit 2 of the 4 hangars as the Spitfire flight took almost half a day of our time. I would recommend ensuring you have a whole day to take in all there is to see and do here. There is so much history and so many planes to experience! The pictures are from the Air and Space hangar and the active flying aircraft hangar. It is a very large display area and there are a huge number of displays to take in! Some of them such as the Concorde and Comet you can actually board and walk through. Some wonderful aircraft in the collection and they are well displayed with excellent information cards. As an added bonus this is an active aerodrome so you may see warbirds on the taxiways and even flying! There is a nice little Cafe between the Air/Space hangar and the Fighter Collection hangar. It is just by the entry and the store. There is a nice store for memorabilia as well. Easy access from London by train and lots of parking if driving.
stu hynes

Christmas event for work. £4.25 for water. Absolutely disgusting.
Barry Benton

The first hanger that you come to and is great. Engines, planes, and stories. We were able to board part of a Lancaster, seeing how cramped it was. In addition there is the airborne forces museum
Kate Benton

Very informative, lots of information, and fantastic insight to the planes and volunteers are knowledgeable
Mark Smith

Part of the IWM Duxford complex. No additional fee required. Great displays and exhibits. Need more seating on ground floor.
Andrew Williams

Great day out at anytime
Andrea D Goncalves

I love this museum!! A must-see for anyone who likes to know more about planes.
Harald Dahle

Great views of the vintage planes makes this an interesting place to hold an event.
Stephen Elkins

Absolutely great. A big thank you to staff and volunteers for bringing exhibits alive.

Aviation and military enthusiasts dream.
Bruce Aitken

Good display
Joe Parker

Really great day out. I went two days before the airshow. Got to see loads of spitfires and other planes going through their paces for the weekend. Will diffinaltly be going again. One word to describe the day Fantastic Thank you all at Duxford
Robert Aries

A really fascinating day out. Mutch more than I expected. The Concorde was awesome: smaller than I expected but with a complex flight deck. The Concorde was a testing Concorde so it had some of the test gear inside. Definitely need to visit again. I was also amazed that our landing fee included a 2hr ticket!
Mark R

Visiting for a conference, good view of runway
Natasha Larkin

Brilliant, loved every minute, lots to see. It was a clear day so we got to see some of the aircrafts fly. Lovely little cafe inside were we had coffee and scones. Lots of hangers to look in and loads of interactive and informative stuff to read, see and do.
Paul Woolner

Excellent, I never have enough time
Phil Walsh

Loved it.


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